The city of Oristano is a true gem in central-western Sardinia. Its historical, artistic and cultural heritage makes it the perfect destination for an unforgettable vacation. Museums, historic streets, ancient towers and medieval walls are just some of the attractions that will make you fall in love with Oristano.

A city of many facets, during the Carnival period, it transforms into an open-air spectacle thanks to the Sartiglia, an equestrian joust known worldwide.


The city of Oristano is a true gem of western-central Sardinia. Its historical, artistic and cultural heritage makes it the perfect destination for an unforgettable vacation. Museums, historic streets, ancient towers and medieval walls are just some of the attractions that will make you fall in love with Oristano. A city with a thousand facets that, during the Carnival period, transforms into an open-air spectacle thanks to the Sartiglia, an equestrian joust known worldwide.


The Sinis Peninsula is characterized by breathtaking landscapes and millennia-old stories. At the center of its historical and artistic richness stands the majestic archaeological site of Tharros, an ancient Phoenician and later Roman city, which still preserves remnants of temples, baths, and walls. Crystal-clear waters and small villages like San Salvatore, a picturesque medieval village that comes to life during the Corsa degli Scalzi event, are not to be missed.


Also known as the “beach of rice grains,” Is Arutas beach is a true marvel. This natural paradise enchants with its incredible shoreline made of tiny quartz grains in a thousand colors that glisten in the sun. Is Arutas is a must-visit for nature and crystal-clear sea lovers. Its pristine beauty will leave you breathless.


This archaeological site of significant historical importance offers a fascinating immersion into the Nuragic civilization, dating back over 3,000 years. The highlight of the Archaeological Park of Santa Cristina is the magnificent Sacred Well, one of the most spectacular and well-preserved on the island. The park is surrounded by a dense forest of ancient olive trees and also contains the remains of a Nuragic village with an adjacent Nuraghe and a Christian village.


The Mont’e Prama Archaeological Area houses a unique archaeological treasure in the world. The site was accidentally discovered in March 1974 when the first fragments of sculptures emerged during plowing. Today, many of the recovered artifacts are located at the Giovanni Marongiu Civic Museum in Cabras. A visit to the Mont’e Prama archaeological site and the Cabras museum is an unmissable opportunity to discover the charm and mystery of the ancient Nuragic civilization.


S’Archittu beach is famous for its natural stone arch, a work of art sculpted by the relentless force of waves and the passage of time. The surrounding cliffs provide an ideal setting for snorkeling and diving enthusiasts, allowing you to explore the underwater world. The wind-carved rocks transform the beach into an open-air natural museum.


Fordongianus, nestled in central Sardinia, is a village steeped in history and charm. The ancient Roman Baths, dating back to the 2nd century AD, represent an oasis of well-being and culture, where visitors can immerse themselves in thermal waters as the Romans did. The majestic Church of San Lussorio bears witness to the area’s centuries-old faith, while the Aragonese House enchants with its medieval architecture.

Nuraghe Losa

Nuraghe Losa, in Abbasanta, is a tangible emblem of the ancient Nuragic civilization that once dominated Sardinia millennia ago. This architectural complex, composed of a central tower and numerous rooms, represents the engineering mastery and advanced knowledge of stone construction by the nuragic civilisation. This archaeological site captivates visitors, offering a glimpse into the Nuragic civilization and the history that characterized the island.


Bosa is a picturesque town on the western coast of Sardinia, situated on the banks of the Temo River. In addition to its cobblestone streets and panoramic terraces, the village is enriched by the Cathedral of San Pietro and the majestic Malaspina Castle. The unique atmosphere that envelops Bosa seems to capture time itself, with its colorful houses making the place feel like a fairy tale.